Persévérance scolaire des jeunes autochtones

Trouve ta motivation, c’est ta destination

External support for academic learning

30 March 2015


The “Trouve ta motivation, c’est ta destination” project is for youth age 12 to 17 who frequent Maison des jeunes de La Tuque. The project offers personalized homework assistance, career counseling sessions, and self-exploration discussions (counseling services) to get youth interested in a trade or profession. A career exploration component enables youth to hear professionals from different backgrounds talk about their life journeys and professions twice a month. Maison des jeunes also organizes tours of job settings such as the Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport and Société Radio-Canada in Montréal. In 2014 an Aboriginal youth even talked about his experience with staying in school. His account was part of the “Ouvre ta trappe” project carried out by COMPÈRES (Comité mauricien sur la perseverance et la réussite scolaires), in which a number of youth from Maison des jeunes took part.