Persévérance scolaire des jeunes autochtones

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    Discover the Evaluation Report revealing the results of 22 projects funded by the Fonds pour la persévérance scolaire des jeunes autochtones (FPSJA)! Much more than knowledge, the documents related to the evaluation reveal inspiring principles and best practices. The report appropriately provide ways to overcome the challenges in Aboriginal Youth school and education persistence.

    The evaluation

    During the last three years, near 20 aboriginal communities in the province of Quebec have received financial support from the FPSJA. With CTREQ support and guidance the promoters brought 22 projects in action. The benefits of these projects have clearly increased the aboriginal youth school persistence (AYSP). To assess the impacts, the CTREQ has mandated the professor and researcher Natasha Blanchet-Cohen from Concordia University. The documents related to the evaluation can be found on the Web site « Persévérance scolaire des jeunes autochtones » or through the following links:

    1. Summary of the complete report
    2. The coup de cœur report – six field visit where the projects promoters, the interveners, the youth and their parents shared their experiences
    3. The synthesis report
    4. The complete evaluation report

    These documents will attract the attention of everyone interested with AYSP, because they reveal facilitating conditions, the challenges and some avenues to explore to increase the projects’ success in AYSP. It gives also the opportunity to discover multiple activities that the promoters have considered. You will find how they have combined these activities, selected some school retention factors to stimulate the youth persistence, they adapted the factors to respond to the reality and needs of these 1600 aboriginal youth.

    The Aboriginal reality and context in five articles

    Beginning in September, do not miss the succession of articles which will cover the five dimension of the complete evaluation report, providing an overview of the different First Nations communities’ particular context and reality. Specifically, the articles will cover the following subjects:

    1. Activities categorization increasing AYSP
    2. School persistence’s factors through aboriginal youth culture
    3. Management, implementation and support
    4. Partnership for AYSP
    5. Strengthen local capacities for projects’ sustainability
    6. Concept of «Cultural promotion»

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